Something Musical I Think | Teen Ink

Something Musical I Think

September 28, 2023
By Kyrinn GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kyrinn GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wish I was me, whoever that is. - AJR, Inertia : The Maybe Man

My teacher posed a question in class one day. 

“What is one thing you don’t think you could live without?” 

It was a fairly simple question in concept, but was harder to answer.

My first thought jumped to the physical and constantly used items.

Things like my phone or laptop, maybe even something bigger.

These things would be something hard to live without for some.

In my case, I realized that I realistically could live without them.

Regardless of how difficult living could be without those things.

It made me realize that it would be better to be more specific.

I went into the more obscure physical things that could be chosen.

Something like a house or a car, things people still use everyday, 

but things that they could be more likely to easily give up 

I didn’t truly think these would be the most impactful choices.

I finally moved over to more conceptual and less physical things.

Things like music, film, or schooling.

All physical, but they have more meaning in peoples minds. 

Music and film are both entertainment, but they are interpretive.

School could be hard to leave, as it leads to many life choices.

I decided music would be very difficult for me to leave behind.

I use music as a distraction or to help me focus when I need to.

It can be helpful in a lot of scenarios that affect people.

I remembered making music for fun. 

It is something that evokes feelings, or be an outlet for others.

It lets me share my feelings audibly, rather than drawing them out.

When it comes to music, it’s all very interpretive.

People can envision certain things when it comes to music.

Others hear parts and just enjoy the melody.

Music isn’t just something to listen to, it’s expressive.

To live without music feels like living in a silent world.

Even if there is dialogue, it isn’t the same as music is.

I believe that music is also one of the most important things we do.

It is an extremely important part of every culture in the world.

People make music for so many different reasons.

How music is made is up to the creator.

Even if the message in the song is given, that part is for the listener.

It feels freeing, similar to standing on a hill in the wind.


Music isn't something I could live without.

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