I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

September 28, 2023
By ameyer5051 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ameyer5051 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A kid

I was a kid who played in the mud.

I was a kid who was as happy as could be.

I was a kid who was naive to people.

I was a kid who loved everything.

I was a kid who didn't know the world.

I was just a kid.

Then I grew up.

I became an adult too fast.

I could no longer be a kid.

I had too many responsibilities.

I'm now a kid who doesn't play.

I'm now a kid who Is not as happy.

I’m now a kid who is no longer naive to people.

I’m now a kid who loves few.

I’m now a kid who knows the world.

I’m no longer a kid.

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