United Through Friendship | Teen Ink

United Through Friendship

September 28, 2023
By Schererm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Schererm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once I was a small boy who lived in an exotic place. 

I was experiencing things that I could have never imagined. (life-changing)I didn’t expect to move from Wisconsin to Brazil. (It wasn’t my choice)

Mom's job changed so did our lives. (fearful)

“Bye,” I say as we drive off knowing it will be a long time before I see my home again. 

All the memories and friends disappeared as we stepped onto the plane. (Sadness)

Portugues drowns out the sound of mom. “What are they saying”? 

“Is it that obvious we are foreigners”?  “How will I meet new people”?  (I can’t stop overthinking)

A week before school starts our family is moving countries. (Perfect!)

First Day of School: Met new people and where they are from.

Second Day of School: made friends.

Third day of School: Created unbreakable bonds with new friends.

Miguel, Vincent, and I are like three peas in a pod 

How can three kids from Poland, Portugal, and the USA have anything in common?

Soccer. The field is where our differences in beliefs were terminated and our brotherhood blossomed.  

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