Synesthesia | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By Mischivana03 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mischivana03 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 1 photo 0 comments


Normal is grey, and lifeless.

Normal is static on an old tv.

Normal is bitter like 60% dark chocolate.

Normal is fluorescent lights in a dull office building,

With bland yellow wallpaper, and flat brown carpet.


Unique is not one color, it's an explosion of them.

Unique is fireworks, coloring the night sky.

Unique is smooth and soft and welcoming.

Unique is an art exhibit, with abstract and realism and all other types of art media,

with sculptures of clay next to ones of tin, and watercolors next to acrylics.

Silver is small and prickly, like the stars in the night sky

Dark blue is gentle and cold, like the valley of the cosmos

White is sharp and pristine, like an arrow of Artemis, connecting the stars into the constellations

Purple is still and bright, like nebulae that make Orion's belt.

The stars and the sky are a canvas, being painted on since Chaos gave her rise.

Nyx is a portrait of everything we believe and everything we feel.

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