I Am Winter | Teen Ink

I Am Winter

October 10, 2023
By izzieisbusy BRONZE, South Hill, Virginia
izzieisbusy BRONZE, South Hill, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am winter

I am the first snowfall 

I am the frost on the grass

as morning dew freezes over

I am the crunching of the cold white

I am the brown and black leaves

I am the snapping branches 

I am the whirlpool of wind

I am the comfort of your home

I am the hot chocolate in your mug

I am the blanket you wrap yourself in

I am everywhere 

I am everything

I am both the bitter cold 

and the forgiving warmth

I am both hatred

and forgiveness 

The author's comments:

I love winter, that´s all :)

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