Beat You There | Teen Ink

Beat You There

October 12, 2023
By makaylaNotFound GOLD, Shenzhen, Other
makaylaNotFound GOLD, Shenzhen, Other
10 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Though she be little, she is fierce."

You told me,

we'll just meet at the top of the hill.

But what if

us prisoners of fate

climbed different mountains in the first place? 

I'll wave

because I know we would both have chosen

the tallest



The author's comments:

There's a common saying people say when it's time to say goodbye to someone: we'll meet each other at the top of the hill. It means that we'll work in our separate ways and ultimately, we will meet at the place destined for victory -- the top of the mountain in this case. And if we climbed different mountains, you'll see me waving. You'll see me because I know we would both work as hard as possible and climb the tallest mountain we can find so we can see each other. Fate is the one that will separate us, but it's also the one that will bring us back together. Beat you there. 

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