Enjoy the Ride | Teen Ink

Enjoy the Ride

October 18, 2023
By gcallen SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
gcallen SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cool breeze whirls throughout the car tossing my hair all about. 

The dashboard displays 7:53, only 7 more minutes till I get to work.

My ears fill with the low hum of the static filled music playing on the radio.

Yellow lines quickly pass me by as I drive through the winding pavement road.

Rolling hills surround me as if I were a boat in an ocean full of waves. 

The farms perched atop the hills call out to me like a soft howl in the dark of the night.

Trees fill the horizon with their vibrant fall colors. I soak up the last bit of orange and yellow leaves before they fall to the ground, not reappearing until May. 

Taking a deep breath, my nose is filled with the crisp smell of freshly cut grass. 

The sky is painted bright blue accompanied by swirls of thick white clouds. 

My car starts to slowly drift to the side of the road but quickly jerks back to the center as I come out of the trance that the beautiful scenery had entangled me in.

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