Waves | Teen Ink


October 19, 2023
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hands like the waves of the ocean, soft as a newborn baby yet tough as an 80 year old man. The instant comfort of my moms grasp when I was little and scared, making the fear run away. Hands of the freezing Atlantic taking care of me when I am sick. Hands of the strong operating room team all after a long and tough surgery. Bear hands, big and strong after a long lifetime of hard work. My grandpa's caring hands taking over when he decided to leave my mom. My grandpa’s teaching hands when I was just starting to learn to play baseball. My grandpa's young hands having to work for everything he wants and now living the life he could only imagine. The most caring of all hands. My grandma's hands like the strength of a blue collar worker yet as caring as a young mother. Hands strong after working in factories since young. Hands calm knowing how to handle things after growing up in a large family.

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