ode to democracy | Teen Ink

ode to democracy

October 19, 2023
By ethan123891 BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
ethan123891 BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the land of democracy, the modern age,

The changing tide reveals its burgeoning stage,

Once inseparable, now divisions grow,

Unity wanes, as fractures start to show.

The rivers of discourse, now constricted flow,

Amidst the clamor, truth often lies low,

Inseparable cities now stand apart,

Frail threads of unity, pulled at the heart.

But hope still thrives, in the hearts that believe,

To bridge divides, and unity retrieve,

Equal men and women, hand in hand,

Preserving freedom's flame across the land.

With resilience, undeterred,

In choices made, democracy's fate is spurred,

So let our voices blend, a harmonious song,

Reviving the spirit where unity belongs.

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