moonlight | Teen Ink


October 19, 2023
By sm0445 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
sm0445 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The orange streaked skies fade and night settles in

It seems as though the world has been covered with a blanket

The sky is empty and dark

The world is quiet 

But there is something glowing, 

Something casting a dim illumination to the world beneath


Tonight it is full and large, reflecting a white and jagged line across the still ocean 

It syncs with the water, the tide calmly creeps up as if its following the glowing sphere 

Last night it was only a sliver.

The tide was shrunk in as if it was scared of the absence of light 

The tide is alive, connected to the light

I’m alone, the sand is soft beneath my body 

It is silent except for the soft whispering of the ocean 

I sit before the water, thinking 

I wonder what you’re doing right now

We haven’t talked in months

But when I look into the sky I see the glowing sphere

And I realize

Even though you are so far you are also under the same glowing sphere

We are both illuminated by the same light 

I don't know who you are anymore 

But we do have one thing in common,

We are under the same moon.

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