Bird Flies Into Window, What's New? | Teen Ink

Bird Flies Into Window, What's New?

October 27, 2023
By taylorpaige-jpg SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
taylorpaige-jpg SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a bird

Flying through a crowd of people

Heading straight for a window

I am friends with them all

They feed me seed, and I sing them songs

We are so close, they don’t even realize I am different

But I know it though

They are all much more intelligent than me

With the tools they use and the things they know

I feel stupid

They laugh when I struggle with building my nests

They insist they could do it quicker, easier

I agree with them

Of course, they wouldn’t warn me of the window

They don’t warn each other of the window

They can see it just fine

They forget I am a stupid little bird

It’s okay, I forget too for a moment

At least, until I smack into the window

Everybody watches as I fall to the ground



And then they laugh a bit

And then they help me up, and ask if I am okay

The helping hurts the worst

The author's comments:

Hey, I'm Taylor! Got into my feels on this one. A little weird submitting something personal, but hey, we all gotta be vulnerable every now and then. I would say I hope you relate, but I'd rather you have a good day instead.

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