starry secrets | Teen Ink

starry secrets

November 17, 2023
By Melissa-Abbott BRONZE, Zirakpur, Other
Melissa-Abbott BRONZE, Zirakpur, Other
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

the night whispers

a cool cadenced zephyr

shifting leaves and moonlight

over the dappled foliage shadows


the lake

without the day’s guide

and adorned with starlight

is night’s pristine mirror


stippled silver diamonds

shimmer on the celestial fabric

woven of deep shades of midnight blue

syncing with the cricket chorus


they watch, they listen

to dreams and wishes and secrets

and yearn to talk back

with an extent likewise


darkness delves into mysteries

and new beauty is uncovered

which unlike daylight

brims of enigma


night time,

with its midnight sun 

dons more starry secrets

than the day can ever withhold

The author's comments:

Night is often associated with gloom, despair, with hopelessness. But is it wrong to say that often, nighttime is more interesting than day? Isn't night, with its darkness, the time when everything is the most colourful?

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