The Window Ghost | Teen Ink

The Window Ghost

December 14, 2023
By Alanday2 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alanday2 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was staring outside the window and then I saw it. 

The ghost that used to haunt me when I was younger.

I screamed but no one was home, next thing I knew

I was trapped in the mirror.

I tried to break the glass but no use, it was impenetrable.

Suddenly, the ghost came out and started speaking, 

next thing it started to speak and I knew the voice

But I couldn't remember who it was at all.

It started to pull out a knife, it stabbed me in the leg,

So I couldn't run, and so I crawled, and then the ghost

ran after me and then stabbed my back. And then I turned

to try and grab the knife and it stabbed me in the heart.

I woke up and checked his leg and there was blood.

He screamed for his mom, and he realized there was a

gray fog, and he was in a forest, he was in the afterlife.

He was gone, and he would never see his mom again.

The author's comments:

I wrote this out of things that came to my head.

[inspired by study of the dream by Will Barnet]

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