Time Flies By | Teen Ink

Time Flies By

December 18, 2023
By audiehg BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
audiehg BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I had more time

I wish I could take longer to grow up

I wish I cared more about being a kid when I was one

I wish I could go back

Back to betting on which rain drop will win across the window

Back to sliding down the stairs on a blanket

Back to racing barefoot through the yard

When a scraped knee was the greatest worry I had

I wish worries weren’t so heavy now

I never liked the idea of peaceful ignorance

And I don’t like ignorance now

But I wish I had that peace

That sounds pretty good to me 

I wish I had longer before my friends were deployed

I wish I had longer before I leave too

I wish just for a moment that life would slow down

But as they say “time flies by” 

I wish I had more time

The author's comments:

I decided to join the military and I'm getting ready to leave which has gotten me to reminisce on the past with my family. I'm also looking forward to the future so I've drawn inspiration from both military and history.

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