I Don’t Know | Teen Ink

I Don’t Know

December 19, 2023
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

How can someone be so evil,

so diabolical,

so malicious,

and yet, I never notice the red flags?

How can someone punch me in the face,

shout at me,

bombard me with insults,

and yet, when they apologize, I believe they’ll change?

How can someone cheat on me behind me back,

deny any accusations,

call me crazy,

and in the end, I’ll feel like the bad guy?

How is it that I can endure all this pain,

wallow in my own sadness,

tell myself I’m fine,

and pretend in the end, that I’m ok?

Why don’t I shove them out of my life,

tell them it’s over,

slam the door in their face,

and block their number?

Why must I always be so apologetic?

Why must I always be so sympathetic?

Why must I always be so pathetic?

What is it that I'm so scared of?

The author's comments:

I think we’ve all met someone like this at some point in time.

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