Burnt Out | Teen Ink

Burnt Out

December 27, 2023
By JenRoxu BRONZE, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania
JenRoxu BRONZE, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Like a teardrop of wax, trickling down a candle’s side

Her viscosity ephemeral, her scent sweet and fleeting

Slow and steady, pained and dying

But she’s determined

She thinks she can escape

She believes she can leap from the candle’s shoulder

She wonders if she could fly if she tried

She dreams of freedom

But the merciless, cold air halts her fleeing

Seizes her

Captures her

Shackles her

She hardens, a dry, lonely husk

Many other teardrops have tried

All have dried

All have died

Like a candle, burned to a melted, lonely shell

So empty that it cannot cry anymore

And when the tears stop

The flame goes out


The author's comments:

May this piece bring a sense of relatability, solace, and community to anyone who has experienced immense stress and feels as though no one understands their pain and struggles. You are never alone.

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