Empty Wrapper | Teen Ink

Empty Wrapper

January 7, 2024
By osun BRONZE, Austin, Texas
osun BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An empty wrapper sits chained

Its wrinkled edges erratic

The shadows of what it once contained

Whisper through the air like silent static

A memory lurks within the fold

Hidden in a crevice of the mind

It’s impossible to keep a hold

It’s impossible to bind

The memory glides on skates

A wall looms up ahead

For a moment it hesitates

It was stopped dead

The memory has been captured

The mind can see the unseen

But the image is fractured

There is nothing to glean

The memory begins to fade

Its remaining essence bare

It lies shattered and afraid

Lingering in the air

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Oliver and I am a budding poet and writer. In my spare time I enjoy reading, playing tennis, and coding. The poem "Empty Wrapper" is a metaphor for memory and loss. The speaker describes a wrapper and the shadows of what it once was. I hope you enjoy.

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