Chilly | Teen Ink


January 12, 2024
By ruthholst SILVER, Hamden, Connecticut
ruthholst SILVER, Hamden, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Curled in a secluded corner,

tucked away from the eyes 

of pedestrians and street vendors

as if she could somehow hide from

the chill that tickled the world.

Rain water collects in puddles

along the sidewalk curbs.

It pours down the narrow alley, 

turning bone marrow to ice.

No one was there to determine

the moment the shivering stopped.

The author's comments:

This piece is sandwiched in the middle of my collection on isolation; the bookends of the collection use imagery from nature, while the middle poems, Chilly included, have an urban setting. In my collection, the urban lifestyle is symbolic of oppressive routine and isolation. This poem shows the zenith of the speaker's loneliness, and the consequences it has.

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