waves | Teen Ink


January 13, 2024
By taylorjohan29 BRONZE, Toledo, Iowa
taylorjohan29 BRONZE, Toledo, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My brain is an endless pool. 

i can feel the waves and splashes with every breath. 

The waves are getting bigger. 


They overflow the pool. 

The waves come to life in my tears. 

In my words. 

There is always a different reason for the waves. 

It feels as if i’m sitting on the edge of the endless pool watching the small waves and pushing them away. 

The larger waves suck me in. 

Drown me. 

i’m stuck in the endless pool. 

Like a little kid who is learning to swim. 

There are always people at the edge willing to help but i want to learn. 

i don't want help. 

As soon as i get back to the edge a larger wave hits me. 

Why do the waves affect me more than the people on the edge? 

i’m in the pool again. 

i always sit on the edge and expect the waves to stop. 

i wait for the water to come to a standstill. 

It doesn’t. 

i’m not sure if i should learn to swim or let the endless pool suck me in.

The author's comments:

Writing has become my outlet. I’m from a small town in Iowa. While my struggles may not be small enough I have continued to write about everything I’m feeling. My dream is for someone to read my writing and relate to it. I want everyone to know they aren’t alone.

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