Answer Me | Teen Ink

Answer Me

January 13, 2024
By tessafy1 BRONZE, Latham, New York
tessafy1 BRONZE, Latham, New York
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i miss you more than i remember you"

“beautiful things don’t ask for attention”

but i am on my knees,

ripping my hair out shrieking,

“i am beautiful;

look at me–

feel the energy radiating from my chest

for my heart only beats for you.


i am a mess.

i am human.

love me;

is it so hard?”

bodily fluids trickles from my throat to my


and i drown within the waves of my mortality.

trying too hard to be discovered,

i wade into my own catastrophic mind,

feeling the cold slap of the truth against my heels.

is it because of me?

just tell me this.

was it i–

who was so repulsive to your scrutinizing mind?

i should not know whether to take the knife out of my back

or to scrape it in further,

creating jagged lines of reddening remorse,

lest you answer.

The author's comments:

This piece is quite important to me, as it reflects my anxious attachment style. I latch so intensely to others, and I want to bring to light that struggle for anyone else like me. Sometimes, it feels as though your worth depends solely on another, and this poem expresses that particular feeling in an evocative fashion. My hope is to inspire others to take their mental health into their own hands. We are not alone in the fight to peace of mind.

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This article has 1 comment.

alicepurr GOLD said...
on Jan. 16 at 2:26 pm
alicepurr GOLD, Fort White, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Having a larger capacity to feel and express emotion are one of the many qualities that make us *superior* to your kind.- Melanie Martinez K-12

This is a beautiful poem