An Accident Humoresque | Teen Ink

An Accident Humoresque

January 22, 2024
By jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
36 articles 26 photos 0 comments

In a twist of fate, one fateful day,

I found myself in quite a disarray.

A car crash it was, a dreadful sight,

But humor emerged in the pale moonlight.

In the ambulance, I began to cry,

Thinking my luck had run completely dry.

But as the medics checked, they exclaimed with glee,

"No injuries here, you're as fit and lucky as can be!"

I wiped away tears, a grin on my face,

Relieved I'd escaped unscathed from the chase.

But little did I know, a surprise lay in wait,

For laughter would turn to financial debate.

When the hospital bill came, oh what a surprise,

Ten thousand dollars, I couldn't believe my eyes!

For that ambulance ride, so short and so sweet,

It seemed fit and luck had led to a costly defeat.

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