untitled | Teen Ink


January 22, 2024
By MacoroniNoodlez GOLD, Lakeville, Minnesota
MacoroniNoodlez GOLD, Lakeville, Minnesota
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”- anonymous

 I’ve always been the smart girl

The high achiever, gifted, talented.

Words of affirmation and the first one done,

my life

Special higher-level reading groups

I read all of Harry Potter in second grade.

I was convinced someday, I was going to be someone,

I used to keep track of the people who told me I would be an author

In third grade, I read “The Westing Game”

Thinking someday, someone will read my books

The praises and affirmations stretched me until I snapped in half,

And now that it’s not so impressive to read big books and use big words

I have nothing to hide behind.

Because if not a smart girl, I am nothing.

The author's comments:

I hope you know you're worth is not determined by how well you do in school.

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