The Light of the World | Teen Ink

The Light of the World

January 24, 2024
By FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
10 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has a warrior inside of them. just because you gave up on him doesn't mean he gave up on you"

The light of the world

it comes in many forms for many people

money, friends, family, music, art

I only have one form, a boy

I'd do anything for him

I'll listen to his stories everyday

I'll cherish and respect his wishes

I will do anything to keep that light shining

because I know I can't afford to loose him too

He's all I have left

But the more we hang out

The more I realized that he too has a storm cloud

I've asked him about it time and time again

"don't you worry" he says "I'm fine"

I never knew that one day, he'd finally had enough

that he'd be tired of living

and disappear from this world forever.

The light from my world is gone. 

it's disappeared right in front of my eyes

I blame myself! I can't do this anymore

I have nothing left to lose

I'll do anything to see it again...even if it means to succumb to my thoughts

and hang the noose

The author's comments:

This is one of my darker pieces and touches on heavy topics. It's inspired by Romeo and Juliet when they both die. You can interpret it however you wish, I tried to make it relatable in every way. 

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