The resilience | Teen Ink

The resilience

January 24, 2024
By FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
10 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has a warrior inside of them. just because you gave up on him doesn't mean he gave up on you"

Everyone has a solider inside of them

Some more injured than others

All stronger one way or another

We all have our flaws and differences 

It's what makes us human


Everyone has a warrior inside of them

just because you gave up on him

doesn't mean he gave up on you

continue the resilience!

there is no problem with it


Everyone has their own battles to fight

you can help them end it from behind or beside them

either way, everyone wields a sword

it's how you use it that can change someone for better or worse.


The resilience needs to continue

you can't give up now!

your warrior is still fighting for you

you can do this. it'll be alright

just get back up one more time and continue that fight


Even though your warrior is tired

the resilience continues

He can't surrender

but sometimes...

we just need a little help from another warrior to fight


The resilience is over

the solider has won the fight 

"I made it!" you say "I'm ok!"

you were so happy that you had healed

but soon you find someone alone

fighting a similar battle you just did

you approach and tell them about the resilience

which it all goes to show that everyone has a solider inside of them.

The author's comments:

This poem is just a saying I used to write at my school Whiteboards all the time with a yin yang drawing. I just figured I'd use this as a permanent mark one last time before I graduate in May (2024). 

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