The Secret Garden | Teen Ink

The Secret Garden

February 21, 2024
By FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
10 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has a warrior inside of them. just because you gave up on him doesn't mean he gave up on you"

My secret garden

My way to escape

There's no way to tell what secrets I hold here

There's no way to tell


My secret garden

Flowers trees and birds glore

there's no telling what secrets I hold here

Hear the magic? Only I can


Flowers trees and birds glore

isn't it lovely?

sit in the grass with me

And hear the song of the wind


isn't it lovely?

hear the song of the wind

there's no telling what secrets I hold here

But you don't have to know

Just close your eyes and relax


My secret garden

my way to escape

flowers trees and birds glore

isn't it lovely?

sit in the grass with me

there's no telling what secrets I hold here

there's no way to tell

The author's comments:

This poem is a mixture of time and nature. The person speaking is meditating and is in complete bliss. 

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