Christmas | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By Caelanh SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Caelanh SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snow bearing trees

Black iced roads

Windows covered in frost

Breath clearly visible against the cold air


Christmas carols playing throughout the house

An aroma of pine cones and cookies in the warm air

A snowy wonderland beyond the windows

That wondrous feeling of joy within

An eerie absence of life in the white wasteland

Light poles barely visible through the blizzard

Crashed cars on the side of the highway

The bitter cold

Gift-wrapped presents under the tree

Candles warming the house

Beautiful cozy lights

The stunning tree in the living room

Lakes frozen over

Beaches filled with snow

The bike trail abandoned and cold

A once thriving field, frozen and dead

Family laughing and stuffing themselves with food

Comforted by a warm Christmas home

The marvel some don't have


Some that have to sleep through it all

Preparing for months to survive

Never a peaceful moment

Unless you’re blessed with a perfect life



Never knowing if they’re going to make it through the harsh winter

Killer winds knocking down so far upkept spirits

Some can’t see they have it all

Until they don’t anymore

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