Live in The Moment | Teen Ink

Live in The Moment

February 26, 2024
By maddyrae1 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
maddyrae1 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do we as children in elementary always think 

about what we'd be like in middle school, 

then middle school to high school, 

and high school to college, 

or our future career?


I'm one of those people,

of course,

always planning ahead. 

Getting older is insanely scary to me

 but we can't do anything about it, 

all we can do is live in the moment.

"Live in the moment," people say. 

How are you supposed to "live in the moment" 

when all anyone is talking about throughout high school 

is college?? 

Walking into ramp-up,

the teacher is talking about grade rankings

and making a good choice for future goals. 

When all the people you hang out with

are juniors in high school or seniors in college,

you hear these goal things 10 times more. 

I can't live in the moment when all I want to do

is go to college and actually have a career I love. 

That's another thing, 

what if I make a mistake that alters my entire life forever?

Constantly thinking "Oh, what if I did this?" or

"What would change if I did that differently?" 

Always wondering.

Thinking almost every day about what 

you want to do when you're older. 

It would seem that I have the inability to

"live in the moment." 

Life moves too fast, 

it feels like yesterday that I was in 5th grade 

getting told we'd be out of school for the rest of the school year. 

I'm a freshman now and everything matters, 

I can't go back. 

I can’t go back to naptime in kindergarten or 

movie days in second grade.

I could go on and on about the memories 

from elementary but I'm sure you all remember. 

I mean, almost all of us have known each other since the 1st grade. 

We don’t really know each other though, do we? 

The only thing you all need to know right now is that we

only live once and we can only make decisions 

on what we feel is best at the time. 

The problem is, we don't have time and we never will. 

We need to live in the moment.

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