Christmas Morning | Teen Ink

Christmas Morning

February 26, 2024
By aubreeblanck SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
aubreeblanck SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's a new kind of tranquility when you wake

The sky, a canvas of hues

Crimson and gold

The glistening snow glaring through your window

A white blanket 

As snowflakes gently fall like feathers from above

The faint aroma of Fraser fir and cinnamon 

A crackling glowing fire

Warms up the room

The air seems calm

The tree lights up the many presents below

Gold reindeer plastered on red wrapping paper

Green bows resting giddily on the top

Looking eager to be opened

Fresh cookies are waiting on the stove

Dad sitting on the beige couch

Drinking a scorching hot black coffee

A little red truck hauling a Christmas tree on the mug 

He says the words “One more minute”

Though it will take much longer

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