Life is Like a Carnival | Teen Ink

Life is Like a Carnival

February 26, 2024
By aubreeblanck SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
aubreeblanck SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is like a carnival 

Choosing what rides to go on 

Choosing what games to play 

Hoping to win

But you don't get lucky every time

Life is like a roller coaster

Twists and turns

You'll be going one direction then the next you'll be going the other

You can get scared

You can have fun

All roller coasters are different in some way

Just like each person's life

Life is like a ferris wheel 

It moves slowly

Making it easy to look around and take it all in

It is filled with ups and downs 

But the view is always better from the top

One person may be higher than another but they all end up in the same place

Life is like carnival 

You have limited time

But it's your choice how you want to spend that time

Life is a path that offers infinite opportunities

So many options

So many things to do 

But there's never enough time to do it all

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