Pick Up A Book | Teen Ink

Pick Up A Book

February 26, 2024
By MalenaM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MalenaM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Go to a place where worries can’t follow

Where problems fade

Where your mind escapes 

To a world written in ink 

Where places wait to be explored

Pick up a book

One where magic flourishes

Where time is different

Time runs faster

A place where the lines of fantasy and reality blur 

A place where some go insane

Where you have to remember it’s just a game

Pick up a book

Read about a place where heroes run the world

Left with a world in shambles

Building from the ground up

With battles for power

And struggles for prodigy rights

And the most dangerous villain

Out for revenge

Pick up a book

That’s now a world where perfection reigns 

Rules are to be followed

Whoever disobeys gets purged

But not far away

There is a place

Full of Unwanteds

The ones who were supposed to die 

From the Purge that day

So many worlds 

So many places to explore

But still, more worlds await

For someone wanting to escape

Some worlds that are not yet put to life

Just a draft, an abandoned thought 

Others have been around for years

Immersing new readers every day

But they never change

The worlds never age

Pick up a book

Cross the threshold into fantasies

Go to a place where worries can’t follow

Where problems disappear

Escape reality

And pick up a book

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