Madness | Teen Ink


March 10, 2024
By WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed the bus.

By the break of light—yesterday’s time spent in the city

with you was still today’s ecstasy—light shone brusquely

at scattered angles onto these blue plaid pajamas, while

all I could think of was you. “Stupid,” mother would have

said. “It’s fine, though, since you’re still young.”

Until the final memories of dawn, I waited for your responses,

I stalked your past, hoping they had passed. 

What would it mean to you for a failure to happen to me?

Why would you care so much about her when lying was her only sight?

Stop looking at me, you disgust me.

I barely know you. What makes you so distasteful towards me?

[Stormy] - [Clouds] - [Ruminating] - [High] - {and} - [Low]

[Deleting] - [My] - [Wishes] - {so} - [I] - [Fail] - {and} - [Fall].

Spite me. Hate me. Why don’t you pick up those rocks by your

feet and nail me in the forehead, by the temples? 

Jokingly, I made you mine. I wanted to see you suffer.

Why would I say that?

Did you really mean that?

What’s driving you so mad?

The author's comments:

I wrote "Madness" as a tribute to bipolar disorder, which some of my loved ones are affected by. 

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