I Miss You Love | Teen Ink

I Miss You Love

March 29, 2024
By yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
9 articles 12 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
' Everyone keeps telling me how my story ends. Nah Imma do my own thing' - Miles Morales.

Life as of now is going smoothly.  
But it's still empty without you 
I sometimes wish I can see you 
 when you were alive.  
I wish I could cook breakfast for you 
Yes, I learned how to cook 
I'm no master chef but I think you would still been proud of me.  
I wish we could watch and gush over the sappy soap operas. 
Maybe you would like some of them. Or maybe you hate some of them.  
I wish you could hear me play the flute again.  
It would be just like old times 
Before cities and technology 
When I was nothing but a simple boy who liked to play tricks 
And you were nothing but the loveliest girl I ever met.  
We did nothing but play and dance all day in the fields at sunset  
But those were the best moments I ever had with you. 
I'm sorry that I had to leave you on that day.  
The day when destiny called for me alone 
The day I had to trade up everything for a long journey for justice 
But you promised to stay devoted, and you did.  
You waited for a long time. And you died waiting. 
I’m sorry that I came back too late 
Sorry that I never got to see you smile again 
I’m sorry that the last I ever saw of you 
Was you trying to smile, as you cry  
Trying to smile for me.  
I would love to see you again.  
You and me in this new life.  
But you’re dead, and it hurts me.  
But if you’re watching me from above 
I hope you know that I will never love another woman again.  
Cause there won’t be another like you.  
And I always miss you Love.  

The author's comments:

Once upon a time I about tragic love and a poem manifested. Enjoys ;) 

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