What Are You Supposed To Do | Teen Ink

What Are You Supposed To Do

April 1, 2024
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

What are you supposed to do

when someone you've spent so much time with,

someone you've seen grow up over the years, 

someone you've seen overcome challenges,

someone you've seen conquer hardships

someone you know will be there for you,


Just like that,

a 180 flip,

a twirl in the other direction,

a complete turn around, 

an opposite,

of the nice, caring, thoughtful, person you always thought they were,

and when you needed them most, 

they abandoned you.

Was it your fault,

did you do something wrong?

Did you ask one too many questions,

say one to many lines,

share one to many conversations?

Or where they always like that.

A tiny red flag above their head,

just barely,

barely to small for you to see it,

until you did. 

But it was too late. 

The author's comments:

Yeah, what are you supposed to do?

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