Nature's Whisper | Teen Ink

Nature's Whisper

April 5, 2024
By brooklynwebb GOLD, Chester, Illinois
brooklynwebb GOLD, Chester, Illinois
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." - Albert Einstein

In a Tranquil Forest, where natures whispers speak,

There lies a gentle creek, its secrets it shall leak.

Its waters flow with grace, a melody serene,

Reflecting golden sunlight, a shimmering scene.


Beneath the willow's shade, the creek's soft lullaby,

A symphony of ripples, as time goes drifting by.

The stones become its dancers, in a watery ballet,

As the creek meanders, finding its own way.


The creatures of the wild, they come to drink and play,

A haven for the weary, where worries drift away.

The creek, a gentle guide, through mossy banks it glides,

A sanctuary of peace, where harmony resides.


In the creek's gentle whispers, secrets are unveiled, 

Stories of the forest, where dreams and hopes are sailed.

Oh, the magic of the creek, its wonders never cease, 

A sanctuary of nature, a place of endless peace.

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