The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

April 9, 2024
By leecorbisiero BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
leecorbisiero BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe we are all cursed with one

A fiery storm at sea that dwells within the caves of our bodies

Currents become stronger with every disheartening hit our way to the point a natural disaster is unavoidable

Mine made itself known to me as a child

It was furoscous and would consume me

I was only a vessel for it to wreak havoc

My emotions were lost within the foam but not gone

No one likes disasters

I was shamed for this ocean of anger that I could not control

It would boil out of me and burst everywhere at the slightest inconvenience

I was difficult, unable to keep in line

Perhaps I learned it along the way

When the waves are too difficult to bare, become them

With age it subsided and became calm forcefully

My feelings regulated and I became a lifeguard that protected the shores

But I still feel it sometimes

It never left me

Its salty water scorched my insides and left marks that will become inflamed

I feel it rising in my blood and then my mouth feels as if I have no control; I am just a bystander in disbelief, too afraid to look away - I just hold on while the entire boat shakes uncontrollably

I will say things I regret and pay the consequences

It scares me; it renders me utterly at its mercy

I just have to keep dodging the waves from hitting me and swim under as long as I can

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