The Unexpected | Teen Ink

The Unexpected

April 26, 2024
By gracebakke BRONZE, Bayport, Minnesota
gracebakke BRONZE, Bayport, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two come →together←

Two create one 

Uncertain of the reason 

Yet ready of what's to come

Time. stops. 

C a  t   c    h     i      n      g         breath 

A life changing detect 

Unprepared and full of fear 

A test that says yes 

A mind that says no 

hearts turning cold 

Unknowing of what to do 

Inside of one there is another 

Their own little being 

With their own little toes 

And a small little nose

Kicking around 

Comforted in their mother 

A womb full of warmth 

A place to call home

Growing and stretching

All as its own being 

Already in love with mamma

Yet a parasite of shame?

A call is made 

A call from the mother 

An appointment 

Next Tuesday at two

Tuesday comes 


Mama's heart is pounding 

Baby is no longer at ease 

Sounds of voices 

Calling out for change 

People who want to help 

Mama and babe 

She speeds up 

In avoidance and shame 

Through the doors 

A Dr. greets her 

An old caucasian man 

Describing options 

In different ways 

At different times 

For different reasons 

Yet giving 


Reason to walk away


Reason to give a life a chance


Telling mama she'll be okay 

Two minutes later 

A heart of change 

Out the window a poster 

“Take My Hand, Not My Life”

Mama feels sick 

Yet hope 

She gets up and leaves 

Back out those doors 


Walking over to the lady’s poster 

She lets out a sigh 

Still uncertain 

And uneasy 

Yet ready to try 

She has hope for her future 

Hope for her baby 

Thanking those preachers while walking away 

12 months later 

Mama and babe 

Out for a walk 

Two blocks away 

Walking to the clinic 

A smile crosses her face 

The same vintage lady

With the very same poster 

Hearing the chants 

Her heart skips a beat 

She hugs the sweet lady 

Then gives out a thanks 

A young mom

Who wanted to give up 

But gave change a try 

With no guilt and no shame 

She holds her baby close 

Thankful she gave her sweet baby life 

Now getting to hold her precious babies hand 

For the rest of her life

The author's comments:

I am very passionate about being Pro Life and using my voice for the voiceless. This poem talks about a young woman finding out she is pregnant. She's full of so much guilt and goes into a clinic to make an appointment. When her appointment to terminate her little baby comes, she looks out the window and sees an older lady holding a sign. That sign instantly gave her a change of heart. She walked right out of that clinic, saving her baby's life. Months later she is relieved that she gets to hold her precious little baby's hands for the rest of her life. 

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