Dull | Teen Ink


April 30, 2024
By Wlindee SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Wlindee SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Inspired by Christina’s World, a piece created by Andrew Wyeth


In multiple shades of grey, the landscape spreads

no one knows what is going on in Christina’s head

she feels the winds soft swirl, and the grass beneath her feet

this is Christina's world.

What’s in the house? Why is she crawling?

both good questions, with only Cristina knowing the answer

no family, alone, cold, scared, a few more feet

until we know the answers.

birds cawing, sun beating, she needs to get there

feels like Christina has aged there for centuries

when really barely any time has passed

her time is running out, but she doesn’t know.

Finally she arrives to the worst news

no ones home, everything is gone

her time is almost done

she has to crawl all the way back.

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