Homeless | Teen Ink


May 1, 2024
By HollandParkPoetry SILVER, London, Other
HollandParkPoetry SILVER, London, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed! How could you miss, he was 3 feet in front of you!

A homeless man of old age, 

Lent weakly on his back. 

A sign saying 'please spare some change',

Lent meekly on his hat. 


A dog came by and sniffed it, 

A child began to stare.

And all the adults on their way to work, 

Pretended he wasn't there. 

The author's comments:

My mom and I gave a hot meal and a coffee to a homeless man at around 2pm. He said it was the first time anyone stopped to give him something today. That got me thinking about how much modern day society ignores those who are less fortunate than us. 

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