The Sun | Teen Ink

The Sun

May 1, 2024
By lexie__16 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
lexie__16 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Earth always had a thing

An indescribable love, revolving around the Sun.

You could see its glow from millions of lightyears away

Which was what the Earth seeked

Once the Sun sets after everyday,

The Earth stops shining 

Without its glistening presence 

The Earth can’t help but weep

While the Earth had the Moon,

The fiery hue of the Sun made everything else look insignificant

The Moon tried, but was never successful.

Nothing could change the Earth’s mind

But Sun was too far away,

Earth knew Sun had other planets admiring the same way

Earth knew it was too good to be true

For even the darkest place lit up with Sun

Which is what he loved about her

The author's comments:

I was prompted to write this in class and I hated it at first. Except, when I began to write this piece I started to love it. Poetry was always one of those things that I never tried because of a couple of bad experiences but I'm glad my teacher opened my eyes to the possibilities. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I liked writing it!

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