Again. | Teen Ink


May 1, 2024
By Huda_Achak BRONZE, Quetta, Other
Huda_Achak BRONZE, Quetta, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was gone for a while

But now, it's the same tingling sensation again

It hurts across my chest

It keeps me awake

Leading me to the same nightmare, again

I don't know how farther I can make

The passion is now vanishing, again

The light has stopped glowing

The dark is now cherishing, again

The flowers have stopped blooming

The thorns are now growing again

As time passes by, 

The picture fades again

The zeal, the dazzle, the pride

What once was there, turned on its side

The flashbacks start to play, 

Dividing my thoughts into million ways

The author's comments:

My first actual poem from almost 3 years ago, can say I've made alot progress since then. 

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