My Dog Lucky | Teen Ink

My Dog Lucky

May 9, 2024
By m3tam0rphos1s GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
m3tam0rphos1s GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" matter what, you keep finding something to fight for."

She said the kindest thing we could do for you was kill you

Maybe that's the kindest thing she could've done for me too

It feels taboo to mention you now

They don't talk about you

They pretend the memorial in the living room 

isn't there

Maybe they have more important things to do

But without you

I have no reason to be here

I always told myself I would never try to leave

For you

I always told myself you'd be lost without me

What a childish projection 

It's always been my biggest fear

The pair who had always been together

Being apart

I couldn't imagine a world like that

All my memories start with you

I'm a smart enough girl

To know the world isn't ending

But why?

Why is no one else still mourning?

How is the earth still spinning?

I want it to stop

I don't care if it hurts

I don't care how I die

I just want to see you again

When you first came home 

I was too young to understand 

that one day you would die

And of course I learned

I just didn't know it would be so soon


Some naive part of me believed you would live forever

That we would live forever

I don't know what I was thinking

It just seemed like the day was so far away

And then it happened

I'm still angry

I'm still grieving

I don't want to stop

I don't want to be like them

You're not gone

You can't be

Just because I'll never see you again..

Just because


You can't be gone


I hate you

Why would you come into my life 

Why did this have to happen

If you knew you had to go

You were an angel sent to earth

And then you had to go back home

You left me

You left me alone

Was it my fault?

Did I not treat you right

Your love was unconditional

And I wasted it

I'll be better

I promise

I can be better

I can prove it to you

Just come home

I've learned my lesson

Just come home

It would be the kindest thing you could for me

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