Cycle of Regret | Teen Ink

Cycle of Regret

May 9, 2024
By m3tam0rphos1s GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
m3tam0rphos1s GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" matter what, you keep finding something to fight for."

The spider was smaller than my fingertip

And I begged my brother to kill it

Maybe the spider & I aren't so different

What have I done?

It didn't ask to be here

To be small


In a world full of giants

I didn't ask to be here either

Small & innocent 

Put to death

Just for being in the wrong place

At the wrong time

With the wrong person

One day I, too, will be in the wrong place

At the wrong time

With the wrong person

And I know I will beg to be spared

Deep down I hope

That when it happens

Karma finds me

And she puts me to death

Without question

Because I am full of ill intent 

But the spider had none

How could it?

No matter how big my regret

Will I really be able to overcome my fear

I know the spider is more than eyes & fangs

It's just a spider 

But deep down I know

Even though I could run away

Or be gentle

And return it to its rightful place

I know I will not change

The next time I find a spider

I will beg my brother to kill it

And once again I'll have to struggle with the guilt

Never learning from my regret 

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