The Beauty in Our Backyard | Teen Ink

The Beauty in Our Backyard

May 9, 2024
By m3tam0rphos1s GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
m3tam0rphos1s GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" matter what, you keep finding something to fight for."

The sky has always been irresistible to me

When I was a kid I would lean over the balcony and watch the sun set

I tried to get other people to watch it with me

I felt like everyone needed to see the beauty in our backyard

But no one ever seemed as impressed 

So I'd watch alone pretending I was content with or without company

As long as I had that sun set with me

I'd stay as the colors of the sky melted in to shades of purple and pink

My favorite were those bright glows of red and orange

Like the sun was trying to give away as much warmth as possible 

Before it had to go away

And it all seemed so close 

I felt like if I was only I bit a taller I'd be able to stretch and take a piece of that sunlight

My parents and relatives made me promise to never grow up

They said when you get older you stop loving a lot of the little things

Now I'm almost eighteen 

The things I love have never been small to me

I still watch the sun set

I stare at it with such admiration you'd think it was the first time I saw it

The best part of it all is when the sun fades behind the horizon

It leaves room for other stars to shine

I love the sky and everything it holds

I love the sun 

I love the moon

I love the stars

At first I only loved the sky for its beauty

But I have learned to also love the sky for all it provides

Despite all my scars I am very grateful to be alive

And I'm trying my best to start loving the rain too

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