Eternal Threads | Teen Ink

Eternal Threads

May 13, 2024
By Skeleton_Poems BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Skeleton_Poems BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Well... Just write something then." -Mr. Scialdone

In life's vibrant loom, where threads ignite,Resilience blooms with undying light.
Like vessels through the Middle Passage's wail,
Roots anchor deep, birthing tales that prevail.

A canvas woven, each scar a tale of might,
Whispers of hope in slavery's haunting night.
Adversities mold, from Harriet's embrace,
Trials refine, shaping a resilient grace.

In Langston's dream deferred, resilience thrives,
From soil to soul, where hope survives.
Amidst deferred dreams, where sorrows reign,
Strength blossoms forth like flowers in rain.

Maya's caged bird sings, a resilient tune,
Through hardships endured, from night to noon.
Wings beat against injustice's bitter roar,
A melody of hope, from the core to the shore.

Darkness descends, yet hope's flame ignites,
Resilience, a phoenix, in justice' fights.
Through cotton fields and Harlem's soaring lore,
Echoes of resilience, an eternal encore.

Each pulse orchestrates hope's resounding drum,
In Maya's verses, courage and grace overcome.
Woven in hope, through struggles' unyielding trace,
Resilience triumphs, leaving an everlasting embrace

The author's comments:

This piece was made after one of my close friends got covid and I did not know if he was going to survive. I wanted him to have some poetry from me since he was a avid poetry collector.
(He is well now and still request my poetry to review)

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