i see leather couches | Teen Ink

i see leather couches

May 17, 2024
By jupiterbeckett PLATINUM, Toronto, Ontario
jupiterbeckett PLATINUM, Toronto, Ontario
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i see leather couches stained with the remnants of our past

i see countless covered cabinets keeping memories amassed

i see weary gardens growing under strain and under weeds

i see notes on how a fam’ly must be nurtured like a seed


i see aching in these walls, 

i see tears that used to fall

i see covenants, and supplements for a child to grow tall

i see white and i see blue, 

i see red, you see it too

i see alphabets, and castanets from bones that i outgrew


i see golden springtime rays seeping forth into the den

i see questions asking why, or how, or who, or where, or when

i see mythologies and qualities perfected in this room

i see a little girl who’s wondering if her time will come soon

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