The Orange Glow of The Sun | Teen Ink

The Orange Glow of The Sun

May 21, 2024
By il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maybe forever was meant for memories. Not people

In the orange hue of dusk's embrace,

A tale of longing, sorrow, and grace.

The colors of the sunset blend and fade,

As memories of you, my heart doth make.

In the depths of orange, a tale unfolds,

Of love and loss, of dreams untold.

The citrus scent of orange peel,

Whispers secrets, of a love that's real.

The golden glow of orange light,

Illuminates the night,

A beacon of hope, a guiding sight,

That one day, you'll return, and all will be right.

But alas, the orange sunset fades,

And with it, my heart's sweet shade.

The stars appear, and night descends,

Leaving me with memories, and no end.

In the orange shadows of the night,

I'll hold on to hope, and keep the light.

For though you're gone, my love,

Your memory, my heart doth move.

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