World | Teen Ink


May 22, 2024
By Ingrid-Fu GOLD, New Milford, Connecticut
Ingrid-Fu GOLD, New Milford, Connecticut
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dive myself in a fictive home
Dreaming through an icy phone
Live like I never belong to the careless crowd
Am I in this world? Am I never alone

Lock my words in my detached room
Where tears dances freely and love like I do
Heartbeats sings along with ample joy
Like how shadows under sunsets blooms

Then time unrips my indulged heart
When eyes focalize back on weary walls
I was no crystal but sinking raindrops
Addicted to voracity of paralyzed thoughts

Restless world finally falling asleep
so cruel and scarred with departed hope
Leaving behind

Me and my wishful arrogance

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