Mental Povs | Teen Ink

Mental Povs

May 23, 2024
By Anonymous


A moment of time lost 

My vision blurry and gray like exhaust

I feel trapped like a mime 

Everyones moving fast as if they committed a crime

My mind slows down 

My head pounds from all the surrounding sound 

It was just 9am now its 2 in the afternoon

I feel out of place like Im in a funny costume

I'm lost in a dream 

Everythings not what it seems



My heart beats fast

I'm wondering how long this feeling will last

I attempt to take a deep breath

The feeling scares me to death

My palms are sweaty 

My knees are heavy

A gut feeling of worry takes over my body 

My vision gets foggy

I try and fight it but feel so uncomfortable in my skin

When will I ever win


Bipolar Disorder

My emotions flash like a broken light

One second Im calm, the next my fists are tight

My mood changes like the second hand on a clock

I need to get away and go on a walk

Filled with anger but my eyes blur from tears 

My feelings are constantly changing like gears

I try and grasp my thoughts  

Understanding these feelings is far more complicated than untying a knot

My mood swings like a bat 

Am I just unlucky, no I don’t think it’s that


Anger Issues

A sunny day that changes to a storm within seconds

This rage inside makes me makes me reckless

I try to cool down but burn up like a fever

A madness that lives inside me forever 

I try and focus on peace

These angry thoughts won’t decrease

Why can’t I control these awful feelings 

How do I convert to healthy ways of grieving 

A hot feeling covers my whole body

I pray for a change but everyday is a copy 



My mind wanders around the room

Everything sounds like a loud boom

I try and focus on school

But my mind is a whirlpool 

What did you say again I ask

I'm just trying to complete my task

I can hear everyone's conversation around me 

It's been 20 minutes and I'm still on question 3

Writing this poem while others are talking

The girl next to me is yawning



A deep sadness that I don't understand 

A sunken feeling I describe as quicksand

A mystery I can't solve 

I long to get rid of this feeling, so I can evolve

I try to look for a light in the dark 

I hope to find my spark

I smile but cry inside 

I try and push my emotion aside

It's hard to find a healthy distraction

When will I ever feel satisfaction


Body Dysmorphic Disorder

I start my day staring in the mirror

I blink a couple times hoping to see clearer

I begin to cry 

I looked way better in July

I wipe away my tears and put on my makeup

I lay awake at night and stay up

A sickening feeling fills my stomach

I find myself looking in the mirror again

I can't go out I have to call my friend

You look fine she said



I turn to the person whom called my name 

There's no one there what a shame

Whats wrong with me I ask

Everyone in my head is wearing a mask

I see things everynight before bed

Whats going on in my head

I don't know what to think

I lay in my bed and I feel my body sink

I'm all alone on my own

I feel stuck in place like a stone


Eating Disorder

I'm hungry again

I want to eat but I know I'll feel sick

I'm looking in the pantry but I don't know what to pick

I look in the mirror and cant help but step on the scale

I look down and the numbers make me pale

I wish I could go back 

I shouldn't have eaten that snack

There's no happiness behind my smile

I need to change my shirt I search my clothing pile

Nothing looks right I can't go out tonight



A constant fear of the memory

Like a young child scared of celery

I try and avoid everything because it might be a trigger

Reliving the past makes me sicker

The feeling is so real

When will I ever heal

I hate reliving things I just want to move on

It replays in my head like a catchy song

I need to set my mind free

But nothing will ever change I see

The author's comments:

I decided to take Creative writing because I wanted to open up my eyes to more writing types and dedicate more of my time towards writing. I've always enjoyed creating and writing my own original stories. When I was little I used to make my own books using paper and glue. I also started a couple of my own stories in middle school for fun, but never ended up finishing them. Creative Writing seemed like a great opportunity for me to get back into writing. 

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