Embodiment. | Teen Ink


May 28, 2024
By Bludlow12 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Bludlow12 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mind is the embodiment of nothing

But just a consumed soul

Waiting for its time to arrive

My brain sleeps when its night

My body wakes when its morning

There is no change

There is no growth

Im just stuck

Stuck in this embodiment of nothingness

I wanted to pause everything

For a slight moment

But I overdid it

Because now I feel nothing but

An ant crawling all over my skin.

The author's comments:

Currently I have been struggling with being overly anxious, so I decided to demonstrate such emotions to a poem. All the people surrounding me tell me I have to change and to grow, I always tell them I will. But I never have shown signs of improvement. Therefore I’m stuck. 

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