Microscopic lens | Teen Ink

Microscopic lens

May 30, 2024
By curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything is insignificant here 

All my atrocities and irrational fears 

Trauma and burden hold no weight 

This far out, they cannot interfere 

From here a formulated mixture 

The dry and wet sets in their purest forms 

Powdered white sugar clog the view 

Always ready to gather for the storms

What a colorful celestial body 

Wearing its deep blue cloak 

Standing out in its desolate nature 

Half lit it swims in an endless background

On a forward lateral stroke 


On a seemingly covert mission 

Its nearest friends are still far 

Executing its year round performance 

As it worships its favorite star 

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